Go Ninja, go Ninja Go! My kids (5-7) had a blast during this movie. My son was especially excited about this sequel, and I walked away fairly pleased myself. However, it is clear from the start that this is a kids movie. This is not an adult super hero film, like TDK or Man of steel. If you came for solid plot, continuity, and clever dialogue, you came to the wrong film. However, if you want to have fun with the kids, and willing to accept a different interpretation of the Turtles, you will have a blast. And there was just enough nostalgia in this move to make me happy. I am already looking forward to the next one! This sequel is a definite improvement in that we finally see more of the turtle; from start to finish. Unlike the first movie, my kids were not bored watching Will Arnett an his poorly written antics. The turtles a present throughout, and the kids enjoyed all the random special effects that are typical of this producer.
As a note to parents, there is a slight bit of cursing in this film, but literally, two to three curse words. Not a big deal for most, but if you have little ones, you may want to know. My wife was happy that there was a lot less gun play in this movie than compared to the first. But don't get me wrong, there is still plenty of explosions, crashes, and hard hits in this movie. This is not a slap sticky movie like the Turtle movies of the 90's My only complaint is that I wanted more Beebop and Rocksteady. It seems clear that they were added later on during the film's production, which leads them to have very few interactions (fights) with the turtles. If sequels are still being planned, I really hope that add some more mutant fights. Otherwise, we were all very satisfied costumers.