Stage: Appeared in "The Giddy Throng" on Broadway. Musical burlesque. Music by
A. Baldwin Sloane. Book / lyrics by
Sydney Rosenfeld. Featuring songs by Ivan Caryll and Mike Bernard. Featuring songs with lyrics by Vincent P. Bryan. Vaudeville staged by Lionel Lawrence. Choreographed by Carl Marwig. Directed by
Frank Smithson. New York Theatre: 24 Dec 1900-11 May 1901 (164 performances). Cast: Grafton Bake, Marie Baldwin, Marquerite Binford, Lilly Brink,
Emma Carus, Mattie Chapin, Attalie Claire,
Frank Doane, Mabel Fenton, Charles Fitz, L.B. (Louis) Foley, Mayme Gehrue, Mamie Gilroy, Ethel Goodyear, William Gould, Joseph Harrington, Louis Harrison, Georgia Kelly, Daniel MacAvoy, Inez Marcel, Jessie May, John Mayon, Muriel Milton, Beula Montroise, Vera Morris,
Fred Niblo (as "Vaudeville Perforer") [Broadway debut], Theodore S. Peters, Charles H. Prince, Pat Rooney, Leonora Ruiz, Pearl Stilson, Amelia Summerville, Torcat the Musical Eccentric, May Yohe, Ethel York. Produced by Henry B. Sire and Meyer L. Sire.