This was one of the most eye-rolling experiences anyone could have watching a movie. From the moment this film begins it sets its low bar with a long expositional scene that shows the cringe-inducing Disney Channel quality that will follow. It pretentiously tries to be funny while at the same time trying to appeal to the younger audience of this generation leading to a film that feels like catering without style or substance. This was obviously not going to be a film that should be taken seriously, but considering the intended audience this film tries to appeal to, it should have had some sense of self-respect. The look of the film feels cheap and lazy. There were many points in this film that felt embarrassing to watch, especially because of how much it tries to throw at the screen in hopes that it will somewhat entertain anyone who bothers to watch it. It's a shame that throughout this entire film there wasn't an ounce of effort to tell a compelling story of any kind, leading to a film that tries too hard and morbidly fails in every aspect.