Mr. Surif was wrong when he calls this Hitch's only venture into comedy, for "The Trouble With Harry" falls into that category as well. Not having seen all of Hitch's films, there could be others, for all I know.
Unlike "Harry", in which the peripatetic corpse gives the otherwise bucolic goings-on a zanily ghoulish air, "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" is an exercise in pure romantic comedy. Montgomery and Lombard work beautifully against each other, and the script is elegantly and effervescently witty. The opening scene, in which Hitchcock suggests the aftermath of a protracted and clearly energetic sexual romp, is surprisingly risque for its time, and far more erotically suggestive than some of the blatant stuff we see nowadays.
My only quibble is what I feel to be a rather unsatisfactory and hasty conclusion.