I really like watching "The Montel Williams Show" because it is so interesting, beautiful & overall enjoyable as I like how its host Montel Williams talks about some really interesting topics that impact people & I also love how nice he is to his guests alongside gives them helpful advice to solve problems that they face, is a great listener & he was also really professional. I remember watching some episodes of it on TV when I was a little boy & it was nice but I started to appreciate this show a lot more when I was in high school because it was that good & it was very memorable. Sometimes, I wished this show would've been on the air longer than 17 seasons but either way, this show was fun whilst it lasted. My favourite thing about this show the most was the show's opening sequence which was used during the final seasons as that is the one I remember the most. I know some folks might look at me silly if I were to say this but I think that "The Montel Williams Show" is so much better than some ridiculous looking 2002 Disney Channel cartoon I happen to hate which is "Kim Possible" despite the fact that both shows are different. I even like that Mr. Williams is quite cordial as well & he helps get to the root of the problems that his guest have.