After reading several comments on Sorority Boys, I prepared myself for a really lame gross-out comedy with plenty of dick and fart jokes and a wide array of breasts. Fortunately I was very much wrong! While the movie does have a couple of moments that reminded me of There's Something About Mary and more than a couple boob shots, it was all done in good fun. I never once had the urge to look at my watch and found myself laughing out loud on more than one occasion. It was great to see how typical guys would react to being in a woman's shoes (physically and emotionally) and maybe learn a little something about how they should treat a woman in return. All in all, it was a feel-good comedy, and by the end of the movie you saw a lot of character development. I can't say that I have made a *completely* unbiased evaluation of the movie, because my main motivation for seeing it was a certain Sexy Lexy of televisions "Smallville", but all in all I found it well worth my six dollars and hour and a half. However, I don't recommend that *everyone* go see it. There are many people who are far too critical of movies and don't believe that they can be just for fun (you know who you are) but think they should have some deep philosophical meaning. If you're one of THOSE people don't go see this movie!! For those of you who can enjoy a movie at face value (and then some in this case) go check it out! And if you're interested in seeing adorable shots of the main cast in drag, stay for the credits!! I gave it a 9 out of 10.