"Joey" is better than I thought it would be but still not a great show like "Friends." The main problem is that they took the show's dumbest character, Joey, and have turned him into the lead of a major sitcom.
Joey and Chandler were my favorite characters on "Friends" and their subplots allowed the show to take on a new humorous edge, so that the "main plot" (almost always focused around Rachel and Ross) could be spliced with scenes involving Joey and Chandler.
Their chemistry is what made the show so great, but having just Joey in a show is a bit of a problem since, well, to be honest...he's stupid. I.e. he is so stupid that it's hard for us to imagine him succeeding at anything.
The problem with this is that in "Joey" they change his character very much. He's smarter, a bit different. Still dumb, but not as dumb. And I just felt like I was watching an entirely new person. It wasn't Joey. It was Matt LeBlanc saying funny things every now and then.
To be fair the show is watchable and entertaining. It has some good jokes. But it's a bit too obvious. The lines are too explosive and, yes, unrealistic. Every line of dialogue has a witty comeback remark, or is a setup for a joke.
Like when Joey says he's too old to go to bars any more. "Plus, I have a problem telling if they're gay bars or not. By the way, if Ramone calls, I am not here!" It's too sudden, too obvious. Instead of feeling as if Joey's just stupid and innocent (as he was in "Friends"), I felt as if here he was really stretching to be obvious and make people laugh, which is actually a pretty big problem.
Overall, a good show, but you can tell just by the opening credits that it's in a whole other world apart from "Friends."