When "Jackass" was canceled in 2002, I was quite disappointed. The show was unlike anything I had ever seen. Part of what made it so enjoyable to me was Steve-O and Chris Pontius, also known as Party Boy. Apparently others agreed since just a year after "Jackass" left the air, MTV premiered "Wildboyz", a "Jackass"-style nature show. Part "Jackass" and part Discovery Chanel, "Wildboyz" follows Steve-O and Chris Pontius as they explore various locations around the world and perform the kind of stunts that made them popular on "Jackass". Just like "Jackass", the humor is juvenile, stupid, and totally hilarious. The show is also quite educational as Steve-O and Chris Pontius tell us a little bit about the animals they encounter. Both of them prove to be great nature hosts and just as entertaining as they were on "Jackass" if not more so. Although I still miss "Jackass", "Wildboyz" is an excellent substitute for its absence. "Wildboyz" is as close to "Jackass" as fans like myself are likely to get. I give it 9/10.