I saw "Ingenious," a fun movie made right here in Tucson, starring Jeremy Renner (Hurt Locker, The Town, Bourne Legacy) and Dallas Roberts (3:10 to Yuma, the Grey, Shrink) and Ayelet Zurer (Munich, Man of Steel) about the challenges of breaking the big idea. It's a fun look at the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, and interpersonal dynamics as the quest for "the one" idea that wins, takes its toll.
Dallas Roberts delivers a convincingly conflicted performance, as "Matt," he struggles to satisfy his need to be creative, inventive and ingenious, and desperately loyal to his old friend, Sam, while his marriage is strained by these very traits. Matt's wife, Gina (Ayelet Zurer), is played with an earnestness that draws you in immediately. The two have great chemistry and deliver the key tension that drives the arc of Matt's story of growth.
Jeremy Renner's performance is authentic, and suffice it to say that you really feel for him and his inability to get out of his own way.
I had a chance to meet some of the production team, including local Tucson producer Timothy E. Flood who did an *amazing* job capturing Tucson in this film. It's great to see the landmarks so faithfully captured.