This black comedy is a story of Pierce (Dylan Moran) and Mark (Mark Doherty), two jobless Irish friends sharing a run down apartment with Mark's girlfriend Sally (Amy Huberman), and Mark's disabled brother David (David O'Doherty). The apartment is owned by a disgruntled Jack (Keith Allen). The movie suddenly takes a turn for the worse one day in their uneventful and eroding lives.
The movie really takes the very definitive yet subtle elements of black comedy and ties it together with very interesting plot twists. Although no comparison can be made, for the sake of a relative scale- A Film with Me in It is abreast with some of the blackest comedy works of the Coen Brothers (such as Burn After Reading, Barton Fink and The Man Who Wasn't There).
The movie tends to drag a little here and there, but makes up for it in the fine character development and cinematography. As the plot progresses, the viewer is often subtly taunted to question their understanding of the story so far.
I'm a fan of Dylan Moran's stand-up work, and he has lived up to my expectations of him on the screen as well. All in all, it's definitely a good watch.