It is a candid and intimate documentation of what can easily be termed a hillbilly family. If many families look deep enough into their ancestry right now, they will see that many have roots back into those very hills, however many families moved on to bigger and better pastures.
The whites have stayed and have made a name for themselves in town and the surrounding areas. You are immediately pulled in to watch what happens next to each family member, and it helps that the movie provides a family tree so you can see who is connected to the next branch. A little upsetting to see such extensive drug use by certain family members at specific time periods.
This movie allows you to laugh and point fingers without feeling much guilt. And on another level it allows you to clearly see how dysfunction and addiction moves from one generation to the next. Kind of makes you think the only way to break that cycle is to completely up and move a person to a whole other area breaking ties.
A very real family shown with warts and all, it also includes tender moments and fun times.