After the original Primeval was cancelled for a second time in the UK, Impossible Pictures turned to the international market to keep the show alive. In late 2012 we got Primeval: New World, a North American spin-off of the show that takes the action from London (and Dublin) to the rugged landscape of Vancouver.
I appreciate that New World is a spin-off rather than a complete reboot or remake of the series, though it largely ignores the events of Series 5 of the original show with only a short appearance of Connor and a nod to the ARC to tie the two shows together. As a result it's unclear if New World can be considered part of the same continuity or not.
The first (and only) season is 13 episodes long, making it even longer than Series 3 of the original show. This is not necessarily a good thing as it results in a lot of episodes feeling unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. It takes until episode 5 for the show to get going and until episode 8 for it to start getting good. I can't help but feel that cutting a lot of the earlier episodes would make the show more engaging and help the story flow better, especially when you consider that the first series of the original show managed to achieve far more in only six episodes.
The characters are fine and the actors do a good job playing them but they're not quite as memorable as the characters from the original. The standout characters for me are Mac Rendell who brings some familiarity with his British accent and Becker-like personality, and Lt. Ken Leeds who has some fun comedic moments and constantly tries to convince team leader Evan Cross that he's there to help, to no avail.
The creatures for me were a bit of a disappointment. Unlike the original show which made the effort to use varied and unique creatures in each episode, New World instead opts for using mostly generic dinosaurs. It may just be because of the higher resolution but the CGI creatures also didn't feel as convincing as they did in the original.
Overall Primeval: New World is a fine show and worth watching if you're desperate for more Primeval content but it lacks the heart and story that made the original work. It seemed to be getting somewhere with it's last few episodes and could have improved in subsequent seasons but as the show met the same fate as the original, I guess we'll never know.