The Second Installment in the Jannat Series of films, 'Jannat 2' is An Entertaining, Well-Acted Film, that deserves a viewing on its true merits. A Fast-Paced, Edgy Crime-Thriller!
'Jannat 2' Synopsis: A smuggler who deals in illegal guns, joins hands with a sincere police offer, in order to demolish the gun smuggling business.
'Jannat 2' is Entertaining, Fast-Paced & Edgy. The Narrative is absorbing in most parts & the twists & turns only act as a bonus. Shagufta Rafique's Screenplay is entertaining & well-written. Kunal Deshmukh's Direction is efficient. Cinematography & Editing are decent. Music by Pritam, is top-notch!
Performance-Wise: Emraan Hashmi is excellent in the lead role. The Talented Actor scores from start to end. Randeep Hooda is terrific in a strong supporting role. Esha Gupta has screen presence & does fairly well. Manish Chaudhary is menacing. Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub & Brijendra Kala are fantastic in their respective parts.
On the whole, 'Jannat 2' is a winner.