The storyline and the setting at a fair in Frankfurt a. M. is quite interesting, and there are some scenes that are refreshingly innovative e.g. The first encounter of the lovers in the boxing ring and the final kiss on the Ferris wheel. Unfortunately the storytelling is uneven and partially a bit slow and boring, while some of the scenes and dialogues feel strange. Concerning camera and lighting, I experience some issues that make the series less enjoyable. Sometimes quite awkward camera angles are chosen. The shaky camera makes sense in some, but far from all scenes in which this technique is applied. The biggest problem however is the lighting. The events during the techno party in the beginning are almost indiscernible due to the all too frequent flashes and the darkness in between. As this is a vampire series many scenes take place in the night and thus in darkness. However, these scenes would have needed proper lighting. The facial expressions of the actors are literally invisible in many scenes, which is a pity as the great and talented cast of this series is its major benefit.