One of the funniest shows ever. Original; clever; surprising. In an interview, Billy C. quoted his late dear friend Robin Williams as asking if he would bring out the Dark Billy. He has. The sketch parody of "Orange is the New Black" was genius. There are so many throw away laughs that would be belabored in a network comedy. It's as if there is such an abundance of good writing that the show can afford to toss out lines that the audience may or may not catch. All kinds of allusions across the pop culture landscape: the premise of old/young gives the script leeway to go anywhere. Please leave in minority jokes, in both senses. When Billy tells his wife he has the Clippers schedule tattoo on h. is arm and that's why he can't be buried in a Jewish cemetery, only a small group of viewers will get that. Bravo for leaving it in. The conceit of rotating directors will let a new character appear smoothly. Steve Weir looked like he was having fun playing the former hunk, now a transvestite. Lots of minor great motifs.