(January 6 to February 7, 2009) He performed in Amy Wegener and Michael Bigelow Dixon's curated play, "Match Games," at the Actors Theatre of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky with Adinah Alexander, Sue Cremin, Douglas Rees and Meredith Zinner in the cast. The plays in Act I were Wayne S. Rawley's play, "Controlling Interest;" David Ives' play, "Sure Thing;" Mark Harvey Levine's play, "Surprise;" D.W. Gregory's play, "So Tell Me About This Guy;" and Robert D. Kemnitz and Jennfier McMaster's play, "The Processional." The plays in Act II were Julie Marie Myatt's play, "Mr. and Mrs;" Jacquelyn Reingold's play, "2B (Or Not 2B);" Courtney Baron's play, "The Blue Room;" Martin Russel's play, "Eros Is Sore Spelled Backwards;" Michael Bigelow Dixon and Val Smith's play, "Aprés Opéra." Michael Bigelow Dixon was also director.