This was a rather funny movie featuring Corey Haim and Corey Feldman, showing that these two for a short span really had something going coming off the very cool vampire movie "The Lost Boys". This movie is just about your average teen trying to pass his driving test and getting his license along with his ultra bright and nerdy twin sister. He also gets to go out on a date with a very attractive lady as well named Mercedes (played by Heather Grahme). Well for some reason he does not do so well on the computer quiz portion of the driving test, but thanks to some luck the test results are wiped out and he is given the chance to take the driving portion of the test. Which of course is highly unlikely no matter how well his sister scored. Well he somehow manages to pass the driving portion despite having a driving instructor from hell while his sister gets the guy everyone should want during this part. In the end though they find his score and no license. Well through a series of strange events he gets his grampa's car and takes the hot girl out as she proceeds to get drunk and pass out. He then picks up his friends as they try to get to this cool hangout. Lets just say a lot of stuff happens and that car takes some hits. I especially found the drunk guy funny. In the end I found the end a bit much, but then most comedies I find have a weak spot in their armor. However, this was a rather funny comedy that passes the test.