When one thinks of an Adam Sandler film, the phrase "juvenile humor" immediately comes to mind, filled with low-brow humor and outlandish acting. Fortunately, "Click" is a departure (for the most part) from that categorization by providing an interesting story, developed characters, and very solid acting.
For a basic plot summary, "Click" sees Michael Newman (Sandler) struggling to find time for his family while wearing himself out for his never-impressed boss. On a routine trip to find a universal TV remote, Michael runs into a crazy scientist (played by Christopher Walken) who gives him a "universal remote", alright...one that can control his entire life! Hilarity, emotions, & hijinks ensue.
Besides the novel concept, this movie outshines other Sandler flicks due to its heart. While shaping up (in the early goings) to be a hijinks comedy, somewhere along the way a heavy dose of emotion is thrown into the proceedings. By the end of the film, the viewer will actually care about the main characters and want to see their resolutions.
Granted, "Click" does still contain some of the typical Sandler low-brow humor, but it isn't too over-the-top or suffocating. Far outweighing that aspect is the above-average acting from pretty much the entire cast, which produces a real connection between characters and audience.
Overall, "Click" is a fun little movie (though not for the younger kiddies) that may (at least in a small way) change your perception of Mr. Sandler. This isn't his goofy "Waterboy" or farcical "Billy Madison". Instead, director Frank Coraci crafts an actual storyline filled with character development and fun concepts.