I found this film to be perceptive, clever, and possessing depth. Very well done. It is also the first film which I did a review on, but at that time I put what I thought in the discussion - not knowing how to go about things and reluctant to be so positive after seeing what others had written. Since then I have watched a great many films and have become relatively sophisticated regarding reviews. This is an art film which has missed most everyone's radar. Art films often do get trashed. People don't think and anyway the general viewer is really looking for light entertainment - not something to make him think. So what is so great about this film? Of course people vary in opinions and tastes, but this film made it with me, especially in how it dealt with a couple of really difficult topics, i.e., the particular relationship the father had with his daughter and what happened between the gardener and his wife (I leave out specifics so as not to be a spoiler). The point of the film is who really gets victimized by whom and what then is the ultimate result. I realize I am vague here but I must not spoil the film. Think that certain "crimes" that grab our attention may not be all that destructive in comparison with "non-crimes" such as parental manipulation and selfish disregard. Catching what the film is about will tell you who was the white horse for whom. The gardener was not a bad person, and what was bad, really bad, was something most all of us have at least observed if not experienced. Note then what happens at the end. I was so impressed that I was anxious to see the director's next film, but sometimes art and pseudo-art clash and (so I understand) the director lost. So in short expect an art film, an unusual take on things, and those who find my review rather "uninsightful" may be advised to pass on this one.