This show seems a little too youth oriented as far as the lead character - and is just not too interesting. There is a great storyline here, but the show doesn't seem to be able to utilize it well enough to be fascinating and captivating.
The series is basically about an early twenty-something girl who is in a bad auto accident. She is reconstituted with bio-engineered enhancements and emerges with extraordinary abilities.
The only problem is that she's not very interesting to watch. There is no spark - the scenes often drag on without ever building suspense or intrigue -- or even any sci-fi appeal. Plus, the character is a little too young to be the sole focus for a general audience show. The music, as if too back this up, is what you typically get in teen dramas.
Unfortunately, there's not much to recommend here. Check it out if you're curious, but my suggestion is to pass on it.