I had been looking for a good, scary anime with a well-rated English dub and was suggested to give this a watch. I love Mai and Naru's English voice actors from previous work, and decided this was my pick. Despite being easy to scare and hating most horror movies and haunted houses, I love ghost hunting and thought this would be a fun ride with that in mind. I have come to learn during my recently developed love and exploration of anime that not all writing is going to be stellar, and that is the case with Ghost Hunt. There were a handful of times where I was face-palming due to the lack of logic or seeming forgetfulness of what had already been established in the show's lore, yet I still enjoyed myself thoroughly. It had some great scares (in particular, the episodes involving a certain doll gave me the creeps, and the Winchester Mystery House-like saga was horrifying) and lovely nods to mythology and magic that gave it a nice edge over what I was expecting to be a scary slice-of-life anime. Mai and Naru both had a tendency to drive me up the wall, but I still found myself entertained by the antics in the show and wishing it ran longer so I could have more time with the whole cast of characters. I also appreciated the break from swearing and not-so- subtle fan service that is so common in "grown up" animes. How clean it was actually made me joy it more, it stood out because of it. Sometimes we need a break from cussing and boob shots, and this was a fully entertaining anime that offered that break.