The people who know me personally or my taste & preferences in films are pretty much familiar with the fact that I often like to take my chances with low-budget independent works.
Why do I do that? Well, being an avid cinephile, I am always in search of deserving, underrated titles. At times, I do happen to stumble upon some worthy features, however, in most cases, I return empty-handed.
"Where's Rose", Unfortunately enlists itself to my latter list of disappointments.
Whilst I appreciate the story for at least trying to be innovative and bring something new (kinda) to the table; the execution, however, leaves a lot to be desired. The direction here is inefficient, the editing should have been more sharper, more articulative! The performances aren't exactly horrible, although I do feel, with a more experienced cast things could have panned out in a much better fashion.
A decent attempt nonetheless.