Hyouka is a story about a high school boy who would rather not exert energy on everyday school life. However, after being urged to join the Classic Literature Club, but gets swept up in a girl's desire to investigate the simple parts of life.
Hyouka revolutionizes the slice-of-life genre by diving deep into it's characters and pins down what makes them tick. No detail is left behind and every primary character is a changed person by the end of the series. The protagonist, Oreki, is a masterfully-crafted character and captures the sense of a apathetic high schooler perfectly. He also contrasts well with the other 3 main cast members who are very lively compared to him.
As expected of Kyoto Animation, the animation is unparalleled. The musical score flawlessly mixes classical pieces with the up-beat ones.
All in all, Hyouka is not only a well-oiled machine, but a innovative one at that. It's rare to see an anime have a plot so well-written while being consistent, two things which Hyouka does in stride. There is no doubt that anybody who watches this will become instantly attached to the Classic-Literature Club and their endeavors involving the everyday high school life.