This movie was good. It wasn't exactly great, but it had it's great moments. That being the casting, everyone in this movie assumes their roles well and have good chemistry with each other. The relationship between the loner Tori and the lost Scott while it takes a while to actually occur, is believable. At least to what the movie wants to serve, you aren't supposed to see these two together forever, but you are supposed to see them as a brief fling sort of relationship. One that will probably leave them in a close friendship rather than a romantic commitment. Each character is sort of unlikable in a very likable way. Tori is a bit whiny and cold but never to a point that it gets in the way. Scott has a charming arrogance, but knows when he goes too far. All the characters are like that, sort of how real people act, and it works in the films favor. If I said the film had a drawback it would be the flowing narrative. It takes a little too long for the couple to meet and even longer for the relationship to become believable. There are a few moments that feel a little too rushed, but the film as a whole is good. If you go into it expecting something spectacularly funny or amazingly deep, you might be disappointed depending on your standards. For my money though I'm glad I bought it.