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Snow White II: The Day of the Wicked Mothers (2014)

Snow White II: The Day of the Wicked Mothers (2014)

  -   Comedy | Fantasy

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.8/10 X  
Once Upon a time on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Lillith the wicked mother's world is falling apart. Her husband Arthur's mind is drifting away, the cult of wicked mothers is getting old and dying or just moving to Florida, and Lillith is forgetting about the fruit in the fruit drawer that she just bought last Tuesday. And worst of all, no one seems to care. Sensibly she lashes out at Snow White. Snow White drinks vodka, dances, takes naps, makes prank calls, and commits felony breaking and entering with her pal Goldilocks. While Lillith attempts to finally destroy her nemesis using hypnosis, magical spells, half-assed hunters, flying monkeys, and the ghost of Ed Koch, in a battle of evil versus ineptitude.
Alex Sclar
Movie showtimes data provided by Webedia Entertainment and is subject to change.

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