"The Mighty Gents," original drama; written by
Richard Wesley; incidental music by
Peter Link; produced by
James Lipton; directed by
Harold Scott; with
Dorian Harewood (portraying Frankie);
Howard E. Rollins Jr. (portraying Braxton);
Morgan Freeman (portraying Zeke);
Frank Adu (portraying Father);
Starletta DuPois (portraying Rita);
Richard Gant (portraying Eldridge);
Brent Jennings (portraying Tiny); and
Mansoor Najee-ullah (as Mansoor Najee-Ullah) (portraying Lucky) in the cast; on Broadway at the Ambassador Theatre, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA (16 total performances, including 7 previews beginning April 12, 1978)