Sigh. Where to begin. We know one thing for sure - the director and producers of "The Bride" has seen "The Exorcist," "The Omen," "The Conjuring," and every other horror film in the world because they applied every trick they learned over the years into their "masterpiece." To say this film is full of cliches is like saying the Vatican is full of holy people.
I guess I hate to admit it but maybe, just maybe, there are no more horror stories to tell, at least nothing original anyway. From here on and forthwith we will be inundated with nothing more than the same ol' same ol' day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. The die is cast; film makers in the horror genre have reached an impasse. From here on out we'll probably have more unoriginal offerings like "The Bride." At least the cinematography was pleasing to the eyes, so there's that.