I found the Little Polar Bear a cute and charming animated tale, that teaches the values of friendship and accepting others. The animation is mostly beautiful with imaginative Antarctic landscapes, and a colourful portrayal of The South. I also loved the soundtrack sung by No Angels, and the sweeping incidental music beautifully played by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The central characters, Lars and Robbie are very likable and sweet, their friendship adding to the film's appeal. The three "villainous" polar bears are quite nasty, and I will say all the characters are well voiced. I have two complaints, one being Caruso, while he is well animated and provides some of the humour, the humour got a bit too much, particularly over serious scenes. The film is also too short, so the secondary characters could have been developed more, had it been 5-10 minutes longer. Despite these complaints, I found it very charming, and I would definitely watch it again. 8/10 Bethany Cox.