Having watched the first three episodes of Lucky Louie I have to say I am impressed by the real world issues it choose to deal with through comedy. However, if really talking about sex makes you feel awkward, or you feel grossed out by male nudity, then this show is most likely not for you. Otherwise be prepared for some laugh out loud moments depicting a struggling young family as they deal with issues ranging from female orgasms, to racism. While this show is not where you are going to lean any profound lessons regarding these topics, it confronts them head-on in a manner that is very edgy even in today's culture. If you are open minded enough to think there is such a thing as sophisticated, gross-out humor, then you should find plenty of that here. The jokes are well executed 90% of the time and nearly the entire show is very well acted. My two complaints are the shoddy looking set design, and the 'laugh track' audience which can sometimes get annoying. These are minor complaints if what your looking for is a good laugh. The reality these characters live in is far more compelling than any sitcom out there today.