Wow, I have never seen a more bias so-called fabricated news network as the CNN Newsroom. What ever happened to delivering unbiased real news as CNN did some 20-30 years ago? I'll tell you what happened. The so-called CNN newscasters/broadcasters are nothing like a real news cast anymore, but exactly what you would expect from a "fully paid for, sell their souls" scribe of a left wing democratic group who provide the so-called newscasters/broadcasters (their talking heads) a pre-written script of exactly what to say (and more importantly what "NOT" to say) in a ridiculous and unsuccessful attempt to sway their viewers to vote democratic in 2016, and now again in this years upcoming November 2020 election.
Well CNN folks, while making your past five (5) year attempt at skydiving past the U.S. republican president Donald Trump you forgot to pack a parachute and as a result your viewership has bombed miserably and went over to another network (not necessarily FOX) but ANY OTHER network, because your daily dribble is like looking at a bowl of vomit for lunch or dinner. Uggggghhhh
CNN is a fully funded weapon of the democratic party make no mistake about it. Look!!!! There goes another CNN skydiver without a parachute. SPLATTTTT!!!!!!