Wow one of the worse films of the year. Awful embarrassingly bad acting, cringeworthily poor dialogue throughout, and the storyline is lifetime channel soap opera only lower quality.
Forget mountain climbing, no one who even knows basic rock climbing was consulted for this film. No handheld GPS? Nor handheld radios? The latter are like $22 to buy and the GPS are cheap to rent. Lack of proper outerwear, footware meant for walking to Starbucks.
Story comes off like an urban fool's idea of going into the wilderness.
And when professional reviewers and reviewers here say it is too long even at 81 minutes, what they mean -- and correctly so --is that this story pacing is just lifedraining and is draaaaaawn out and interminable for what it is.
I am all for low budget films. But low budget is no excuse for terrible acting or a script that goes nowhere.