Unlike some others who have commented here, I think they kept most of their political biases out of this documentary for the first 4 episodes. But then came Episode 5, the final episode, which was as slanted an episode on the Atlanta Child Murders as could possibly be done. The last episode was almost completely shown through the prism of the defense, with maybe a minute or two of the prosecution side saying a few things. I wasn't living in the South at the time, but I was following this case when it was happening, and it's certainly a fascinating and very sad story. I said to my wife when this series started that if they want to prove that Wayne Williams didn't do all the murders, I could go along with that. But episode 5 tried to make the case that not only didn't Wayne Williams do any of these murders, but that it was most likely white people who killed all those black kids. Well, that just showed to me how this series was pure propaganda. I won't spend the time detailing this case in this review, but there are many, many reasons why Williams was convicted. And all these conspiracy theories about trying to prevent a race war and/or keeping Atlanta's image clean and wholesome were just ridiculous. Do the people who subscribe to these theories still think that OJ didn't do it too?