Kaiba tells the story of a young man named Kaiba who has no memory of who he is other than a locket with a photograph of who the viewer can assume was his girlfriend. In addition, memories can be stored like computer data and passed from body to body on some form of a chip.
Now to start off I really loved the soundtrack to this anime. The opening soundtrack and music used throughout really played well into the overall feel of the anime. In addition, I like the retro-type or animation used on the characters. It created a different atmosphere of viewing the anime.
My issue with the anime is that it was a bit too complex for my liking. Maybe that is my fault as I am not a huge Sci-Fi fan. The plot just seems too convoluted with the number of body switches and sub-plots that it took me out of the anime. I also felt that due to the number of body switches it was somewhat hard to really feel attached to the characters outside of Kaiba. With that being said, if you like Sci-Fi films and/or shows this would likely be a good watch. For me, it was a nice show to binge while traveling but not something I totally loved - 5/10.