... sometimes you are better off not knowing anything about a production before starting watching, sometimes the opposite... here not looking for flaws has great benefits, as you just then are able to watch all the craziness and not be influenced by anyone's thoughts-critique... it's the only way to accepting the pleasures of such nuttiness
... and there's really lots-to-like... the entire cast with little exception are absolutely terrific... many shows of this genre are not really this amusing, so well done in their entirety... here in YSNL you'll find yourself laughing-amused much more than you thought you ever might... accept all the glorious confusion as being completely not normal, not trying to make sense of any of it, until the very ending of S2, as things become clear
... so don't read anything beforehand, go in clean slate... odds are you'll be rewarded for that choice... then you'll so be looking forward to Season 3... REALLY-looking-forward to it... part 3 of their next installment of insanity... with the introduction of what would appear an interesting-nutty-new-character... probably more, coming from our ever-persecuted leading-lady's new surroundings.