Annoying, cringy and REALLY not funny even though the acting and storyline tried sooooo hard to be funny. I'm sure all the celebrities that got tricked into appearing in this feel a little ashamed to be associated with this failure deep down. I'm sure their aspirations were the complete opposite to the finished product. Adam Deacon shouldn't have tried to use "hood" at the end of any of his film titles to try and borrow clout; making people think it has anything to do with Noel Clarke's well written trilogy. Adam needs to figure out what year it is and stop living in the past. I would have given the storyline grace if it was written by a secondary school child/group of friends 10 years ago. I think his blame game has come to an end now.... this film was self-sabotage at it's best! SMH (this waste of time was so bad, I kept stopping myself from turning it off and then made my very first film review)