This film is great. All the losers slamming it are just low-key right-wing supporters who are disappointed it didn't end up like they were thinking it would. It was heading the way they wanted and then when it took a turn they got pissed. They can't fathom the situation, so they have to cry foul. It doesn't fit with their perception of how things "really are" so they have to bash it. It's a fictitious story, but they would have you believe that it's too far removed from reality, which is not the case.
The "critics" trying to rip on technicalities like cinematography or camera work or whatever are just reaching here. I'm a video editor. This film is incredibly shot. Almost every scene is a one-shot continuous camera shot and done perfectly. And these people are complaining about it?! They're just reaching for something that isn't there because the actual subject matter makes them uncomfortable. The lighting in every scene is superb, and the backdrop is unwaveringly urban to the point you can taste the concrete. It's near perfect. It is so well done.
Just watch this film and enjoy it for what it is. Don't let these fake and butt-hurt "reviewers" deprive you of an excellent watch. They always feel the need to come on here and try to dissuade you right away because it's not up their alley, but don't miss out on an overall top-notch flick.