As other reviewers have pointed out, the first couple episodes are lousy (like I'm-kind-of-embarrassed-for-these-actors level of lousiness). BUT the rest of the season more than makes up for the rocky start. While the whole superheroes thing has been done to death, Powers has definitely made the theme their own. With characters that aren't flatly just "good" or "evil" but rather more realistic humans, superb acting, and good dialogue and plots, this show is a must-see for any sci-fi/superheroes fans. There is so much potential for development of this universe; you can really see they have planted seeds for this to go so far above and beyond what we see in the first season. The PlayStation logo alone almost turned me away but I'm so glad I listened to the other reviewers and gave it a shot. Sure it's not perfect - the special effects could definitely use more work, and the writing and sets could be better, but I have a feeling they will really catch their stride in the second season - and I for one can't wait for it!