In Niterói, the middle-class housewife Dona Hermínia (Paulo Gustavo) lives with her teenage son Juliano (Rodrigo Pandolfo), who is gay, and her teenage daughter Marcelina (Mariana Xavier), who is obese. Her husband Carlos Alberto (Herson Capri) has left her to live with a younger woman, the bimbo Soraia (Ingrid Guimarães). When Carlos Alberto and Soraia go to the club with Juliano and Marcelina in his sport car, Dona Hermínia overhears the "children" making fun of her and she decides to take a time out alone in the house of her aunt Zélia (Suely Franco) to calm down. Along the days, Dona Hermínia misses Juliano and Marcelina and tells stories of her life to Zélia. Meanwhile the siblings feel how much they need her at home.
"Minha Mãe é Uma Peça" is a gross, corny but also funny comedy based on a successful play in Brazil. Although fictional, the plot is based on situations in Paulo Gustavo's live and the character Dona Hermínia is based on his own mother, Dona Déia. The funniest moment of this movie is in the credits, when there is a cameo of Dona Déia in a home footage. My vote is five.
Title (Brazil): "Minha Mãe é Uma Peça" ("My Mother is a Piece of Work")