A Tourneur Masterpiece
12 December 2001
Director Jacques Tourneur and producer Val Lewton are noted for their more cerebral forays into the horror genre and this is one of the finest of their partnership. The basic story centers around voodoo in the islands and the real or imagined effects it has on one particular family. I never know whether Tom Conway is a good, low-key actor or not an actor at all but here he does a passable job as the tortured husband. Frances Dee is sweet as the nurse who gets entangled in the family problems and tries to help to no avail. Although Christine Gordon says not a word during the whole film, her image and unusual beauty is haunting. Edith Barrett, an actress who was pitifully under used in film, is outstanding as the mother who plays a rather surprising role. The whole film is based on atmosphere and great cinematography....it is chilling without showing much, therefore leaving a lot to the imagination. There is no violence,no special effects and no gore but it will hold you in suspense just the same. The choice of title is unfortunate (but so was "I Married a Monster from Outer Space" which was also a good film). I rate this movie as one of the Tourneur/Lewton masterpieces and highly recommend it to all lovers of the genre.
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