An above-average (for the genre) film with good pacing and a few very impressive moments.
10 February 2003
Obviously, Minestra's screenplay is not one of the great works of film writing, but let's take a moment to appreciate it for its virtues. The film has better pacing than almost any other film of the time in this genre, and the key scenes are well-established and strangely engrossing.

True, there are flaws in the film. A few of the actors and actresses have a kind of gross/scary look that seems to somehow be the result of the decade itself, and the score is maddeningly repetitive. Still, the good elements at least measure up to the bad ones.

I was a little disappointed (as I imagine many were) that Bambi Woods wasn't given more to work with. Even though she is given top billing and the titular character, she doesn't have any real dramatic moments until the end of the film.

I have to say that the best actress of the picture was Debbie Lewis in her small, but pivotal role as Girl in Shower.

Though I wouldn't call Debbie Does Dallas a masterpiece, I would recommend it to any fan of the genre.
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