An idea of my disgust
9 December 2000
This is probably only an idea of my disgust for the so- typically- 80s- feel of this movie. I've already written this somewhere in a forum. Today I discovered it per chance and thought it would make a pretty cool mean-spirited review. Here we go!

It's not UN-bearable, but it's so very un-funny, pathetic and self-indulgent. It really embodies everything that ever annoyed me about eighties movie making. It's like a manifestation of a sickness that has haunted movies like "Something Wild" and yes, also a lot of quite acceptable movies in the 80s. And, if this sickness has really existed in (and dominated) society back then, I'm glad I'm too young (19) to know.

Of course this review will tell you nothing except to avoid the movie. On my old scale I used to employ here, it has been a 4 out of 10. I'm revising my scale though because it doesn't feel accurate to me anymore. If a ***** is to be read as "mediocre", "Into the Night" has to be a ***!
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