Looked interesting, got my attention and then got me mad...
10 August 2000
Well, I switched on the television late one night, and came across this movie. It was just starting, and being a Modern Orthodox Jew in the Diaspora it made me interested to watch it. I started and got really into the movie, later I was wrong -the whole movie was wrong.

Firstly, let me tell you that sexual intercourse is considered to be the Holiest Mitzvah, it is also a mitzvah for a man to satisfy his wife. I have been to Yeshiva and it was taught that a man is obliged to get married and to SATISFY HIS WIFE COMPLETELY. If it is the choice of studying the Torah or being with his partner, the choice is to satisfy the partner (of course). Why did the movie not point that one out?

Second: This is such an anti - religious movie. WHY? So, that the young Jewish women on verge for getting married will get scared away? And marry out?

Thirdly: The main character must have been really inconsiderate and immoral. A religious Jewish couple does NOT get married just for the sake's of getting married. The get married to satisfy their complete goals and potentials in live. Before the wedding the two people sit down and talk about what they want? What goals would they want to reach? and if they are heading down the same path!

Last, why does nobody ever show Judaism in all it's glory and passion and livelihood as it should be? Why is it always bad? We get shown rocks being thrown at cars in Mea'Shearim, but the commentators forget to tell us that it is Shabbat.

I disliked this movie very much. If all Jewish marriages are like that, then why is there such a small divorce rate? Why do people love each other and are inseparable? While, in the Western Society why are the break - ups of people so high? The suicide? The crime? Why is there so much disgust in the world we live in now?
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