Review of Anaconda

Anaconda (1997)
Absolutely horrible movie!
10 April 2004
The anaconda was so fake looking that it made the whole movie not worth watching. The people who made this movie must think that the audience is clueless. No snake of that size can move that quickly. Sure it has a quick strike but not overall speed in a chase. The snake can not reach twenty or so feet in the air without being able to climb something. The waterfall scene had the snake snatch that guy from over twenty feet up without slithering up something to get him. Simply impossible. Also the sounds were so stupid. They practically had this thing growling like a lion. The computer generated snake looked like just that, a computer generated snake! Jon Voight did an OK job, but the rest of the cast stunk. Ice Cube was horrible, J-Lo sucked, and the one guy (besides Voight) who can actually act was incoherent and practically comotose the better part of the movie (Eric Stoltz).
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