Review of The Pest

The Pest (1997)
It's NOT a love-it-or-hate-it's neither extremely bad not extremely good.
25 April 2003
"The Pest" has moments of mind-numbing stupidity (and at least five fart jokes too many). It's also offensive in its homophobic attitude, and its anti-German sentiments are so strong that you would think the script was written in 1940. But it still is a very easy film to watch, because it looks slick, it moves fast, and it has one hell of a driving music beat to it. It also has some hints of surrealism (the "dueling car stereos" scene), and does make you laugh a couple of times: not so much with Leguizamo's "impressions" (which are mostly awful), but at other, rather unexpected moments (the "Stop repeating what I'm saying! I mean it!" scene). I'd say it generally makes you laugh more often than many other comedies that have a higher reputation. (**1/2)
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