Majingâ Zetto (1972–1974)
Wow suprisingly good, glad I was able to track down the episodes
8 April 2004
This is really a great series,unfortunately 23 yrs later the episodes are hard to get, but using the power of the internet,I practically got all the episodes. This anime while outdated is incredibly ahead of it's time with special effects and violence being used to show the war between Mazinger and Dr. Hell. Yes thats right I watched one episodes where an airplane basically gets blown up by the terrorist organization by Dr. Hell (remotely had me thinking of September 11).

However, after watching this series it no doubt inspired Giant Robo series like Voltron and Mobile Suit Gundam, especially with the similar plotlines.

Even better to my surprise I was able to get that rare Mazinger Z that follows the series.

Two Thumbs way up.
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