It wasn't the plot that drove me to see this prehistoric tale, but the effects. They are the REAL star of this movie. As for story and plot...take "Land Before Time", "Jurasic Park", and mix in a little bit of "Tarzan", and you have Dinosaur. (I mean, come on, little monkeys raiseing this HUGE dinosaur?) The charactors were cute, but you can't help but feel as though you met them all before, from another movie.
But there is NO other movie that can be compaired to in EFFECTS. I must admit, I was ASTONISHED at how INCREDIBLE it looked. So astonished in fact, that a couple of times, I was too busy admireing the visual effects and really studying it, that I lost track of the story. It looked so darn REAL. Like I said, the true star WAS the effects. I LOVED the meteor shower scene, it was so pretty. Now, was this movie suppose to be for children? Because I know that there were some scenes that are just the RIGHT ingrediants for NIGHTMARES! It was a bit too intense for small children, I had to listen to one poor frightened child a few times.
But there is NO other movie that can be compaired to in EFFECTS. I must admit, I was ASTONISHED at how INCREDIBLE it looked. So astonished in fact, that a couple of times, I was too busy admireing the visual effects and really studying it, that I lost track of the story. It looked so darn REAL. Like I said, the true star WAS the effects. I LOVED the meteor shower scene, it was so pretty. Now, was this movie suppose to be for children? Because I know that there were some scenes that are just the RIGHT ingrediants for NIGHTMARES! It was a bit too intense for small children, I had to listen to one poor frightened child a few times.