25th Hour (2002)
Thank you Mr. Lee, for not shoving the towers down our throats
30 January 2003
I'm not the biggest Spike Lee fan, but this one really had me going. I've spent all of one weekend in New York City, and found no problems at all relating to this film. It addressed 9-11 without beating you over the head with it. There was a refreshing lack of ra-ra go-USA blind patriotism. Instead, you got portraits of individuals determined to live their lives without dwelling in the wreckage.

Acting's top-notch all around. Philip Seymour Hoffman portrays the slurred slo-mo of drunkenness wonderfully, it's too bad my only complaint with the film is that his relationship with his student could have used more of a resolution. But perhaps the whole point is that it's left open. Hoffman's conversation in front of the window with Barry Pepper, who definitely holds his own, is just amazing. And of course, there's Edward Norton's f*ck-you salute to New York, which speaks for itself.

So yeah, catch this flick. It's as reserved and poignant as "Bamboozled" was in-your-face and loud.
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