Ran across this on Showtime. yes,that Showtime! The one with "Queer as Folk" and its lone lesbian couple,Mel & Lindsay.
I can't see them renting THIS on a saturday night.
Not unless someone has rented the last copy of "Desert Hearts".
The "plot" concerns three butt ugly lesbian astronauts(do NOT make me repeat that!)who crash on an ape-infested planet. one of which is a stereotypically pink one named Dr. Queera!(the movie's one big laugh,actually)
If constant lesbian sex,bad dancing and acting and even worse RAPPING are your thing,grab a big,BIG bottle of wine and enjoy the carnage...you'll hate yourself later!
I can't see them renting THIS on a saturday night.
Not unless someone has rented the last copy of "Desert Hearts".
The "plot" concerns three butt ugly lesbian astronauts(do NOT make me repeat that!)who crash on an ape-infested planet. one of which is a stereotypically pink one named Dr. Queera!(the movie's one big laugh,actually)
If constant lesbian sex,bad dancing and acting and even worse RAPPING are your thing,grab a big,BIG bottle of wine and enjoy the carnage...you'll hate yourself later!