Just try to stay awake through this...I'll bet you can't !
4 October 2004
Just so you know what I'm all about: I love drive-in shlock exploitation "B" films and find most mainstream Hollywood productions to be quite lame and boring...

Not your usual Hollywood garbage,but boring none the less.....Sloooooooow paced crime drama pawned off as a horror film.It has a lame "made for TV" production feel to it.Not what you would expect from the fine folks at Troma at all.The first reel had me thinking it was going to be interesting,then it takes a sharp turn for the worst into a crime drama .Let's put it this way: I'm typing this review as I watch the film,just to have something to do!When is something going to HAPPEN already?Fighting off sleep now....stay awake you can do it...Finally (1:15:00 into the movie) the maniac shows up!Can she save this waste of film?Nope....forget it.Shame on you Troma!....and you thought "Manos" was bad ,at least it was watchable.I can't even say that for this film.....do something more entertaining like stare at a wall.I think I hurt my brain watching this junk.

This total waste of time came in the otherwise watchable 3 DVD set "Toxie's Triple Terror #1" Watch the other 2 DVDs and use this one for a Frizbee or coaster.

1/10 on the Drive-in freak-o-meter The DVD makes a handy coaster.
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