Living with Lydia (2002– )
Lots of laughter, but not so funny
31 May 2005
Lydia and her kids have relocated to Singapore to start life anew. They must live in a house along with an unrelated man and his son. The two adults argue over everything.

LIVING WITH LYDIA is billed as Singapore's best attempt at a Hollywood sitcom. Specifically, The Brady Bunch meets The Nanny. Paper-thin plots, cardboard sets and every line is spoken in a loud shrill voice. The actors must yell to be heard over the blaring non-stop laugh track.

The one and only thing going for this show is that the teenage daughter is very cute and every episode she wears a small T-shirt and sexy short-shorts.

LIVING WITH LYDIA is a forced and exaggerated Singapore sitcom with perhaps the world's loudest laugh track. Yet, production went beyond one season and it is widely syndicated around the world. My, oh my!
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